It’s so good to be back☺️

I Hope this finds you all well & safe😊 I hope you are finding some sense of happiness in your world and that we all come out of this craziness whole and better for it!!!! I’m Thankful that my family is well, I’m missing everyone terribly but hopefully soon we can be together for more…

Simple Pasta, Spinach and Tomatoes

Just a simple to make, quick meal that tastes like you went out to a restaurant. Take the time to season it as you like, cheesy or spicy☺️ You can even use regular pasta or whole wheat pasta and make it your own. This yummy dish you’re looking at was made with whole wheat spaghetti,…

Simply special pasta with Fresh Pomodoro Tomato Sauce 🍅

Made a quick comfort food dinner for myself one night after a long stressful day! It was easy, flavorful and just plain delicious☺️ I sat with my glass of Reisling, sprinkled my pasta with cheese and enjoyed every minute!!! I may share some with my Husband, maybe not 😉   8 to 10 ripe plum…

Linguine with Chicken & Red Onions (Linguine con Polla e Cipolla Rossa)

Thank You Memorie_de_Angelina (a fellow blogger and Instagram friend) for your inspiration for this recipe! Please take a few minutes to visit the gorgeous site… … you will not be disappointed, it’s truly a labor of love for delicious olde world Italian cooking! Bravo♥️ In my large Italian family I have always noticed that…

A Mediterranean Spinach Salad

How this month has passed me by… I have been traveling to see all my babies, I’ve been trying to do some updating/home improvement to our home, then I caught the bug and it’s cough that is out there and found myself at the Dr’s twice for antibiotics, if I see another cough drop in…

Spicy Chorizo Sausage with Spinach & Eggplant 🍆

Last evening I found myself with three ingredients that I just had to use right away before they went bad so I put my thinking apron on and this is what I came up with! It came out absolutely delicious☺️ The robust flavor of the olive oil and the spicyness of the Sausage gave those veggies such…

Springtime Pasta🌷

A vegetable filled pasta dish that’s light and yummy!! I’ve been really busy these past few weeks and I needed to find something fast and wonderful to make for dinner …. here it is ❤️ I do know a lot of you are following me along but truly I’d love to hear from you that…

Spicy Italian Drunken Noodles

A spicy dish that you will love!❤️ RECIPE: 3 tablesp Olive oil 1 lb spicy Italian sausage or chorizo sausage 1 lg. Onion, sliced thinly 3 to 4 garlic cloves, diced 1/2 teasp garlic powder 1/2 teasp onion powder 2 teasp Italian seasonings 2 tablesp flat leaf parsley, chopped salt and pepper to taste 1…