Layered Eggplant Parmesan

This classic Italian dish takes time and patience but it’s so worth it in the end. Both my grandmothers and my mom start preparing the Eggplant the same way by pan frying it but each one made the dish their own, adding different cheeses, spicy or sweet tomato sauces and even crushed Meatballs, honestly they…

Skillet Berry Cobbler

An old recipe from a favorite cookbook of mine that I acquired long ago when my love of cooking on my own started. When relooking at the book I realized I never tried this recipe so here it is…. it has simple shortcuts but amazingly it turned out scrumptious! Even better with a little pure…

Steamed Mussels with Garlic Broth❤

A Special treat one evening with my Darling to celebrate his day off❤ Lg. Bag of fresh Mussels, cleaned and rinsed well 4  to 6 large cloves of garlic, chopped extra virgin olive oil 2 cups of chicken broth 4 chopped fresh ripe Roma tomatoes with there juice or 1 can Italian diced tomatoes 1…

Happy Valentine’s Day ❤ Happy Anniversary my Darling

A very Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone and a extra special Happy Anniversay to my dear Husband!❤ It’s been a glorious 36 years with the love of my life, through both good & bad, young & old, even now and then it’s been an adventure we’ll never forget. May we celebrate many more days together and Please…

Homemade Focaccia

Just a simple rustic bread that’s wonderfully crusty with lots of nooks & crannies to hold the olive oil which makes it just amazing! Serve it as a side to a great pasta dish… slice it for a delicious sandwich or just eat it plain with alittle sautéd spinach, onion and tuna, as I did….

Oven Baked Italian Chicken Wings

Don’t know if you watched the Super Bowl last evening but if you live here in the Buffalo area it’s all about the “Chicken Wings” during such an event, so instead of ordering out for the fried version I decided to cook my own!! The inspiration for this  idea came from the Italian pizzeria where…

Breaded Beef Sirloin Tip Cube Steak

This is another simple old time recipe that’s inexpensive and delicious! It makes me think of oh so many years ago when my family owned a small but quaint grocery store here in western NY and my dad was its butcher. We had this dish and all sorts of others with meats, chicken, fish and cheese…